Arts on Gabriola

Gabriola has a vibrant community of passionate locavores and hard-working farmers while our small but mighty dining scene serves every palate.

Farmstands on Gabriola

Farm Stands & Farmers Markets

If a green roadside flag is flying, the farm stand is open!

Flocks of heritage hens, pastured farm animals, permaculture gardens, and wild harvesting are all common here.

Farmers markets generally run from May to October. A popular local attraction steeped in the unique island vibe is the Saturday Farmers Market. Local food is also available at the Mid-Week Market and Silva Bay Market.

Vancouver Island Regional Library


Arts & Culture Indoor Recreation Community Organizations


Pre-1999, there were two library options for residents of Gabriola Island: a bookmobile at the south end of the island, and a very popular books-by-mail service. That all changed in 1999 when a dedicated library opened in the bustling Gabriola Folklife Village. Over the years, the library has expanded in size and scope and has firmly established itself as a vital cornerstone of island life. As a regional system, Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) covers a vast geographic area, from Sooke and Sidney in the south to Port Hardy, Haida Gwaii and the Central Coast. Our system, the fifth largest in British Columbia, totals more than 42,0000 square kilometres and includes a mix of urban, rural, and remote communities that work together to ensure exemplary library services for all our members. Gabriola Island Branch Information: #5 575 North Road Gabriola BC V0R 1X4 Jeff Strain, Librarian 250-247-7878 Nanaimo Harbourfront Branch Information:  The next closest branch is Nanaimo Harbourfront which provides some of VIRL’s central services. 90 Commercial Street Nanaimo BC V9R 5G4 Jason Kuffler, Sales and Marketing Officer 250-753-1154 ext. 246


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