Arts on Gabriola

Gabriola has a vibrant community of passionate locavores and hard-working farmers while our small but mighty dining scene serves every palate.

Farmstands on Gabriola

Farm Stands & Farmers Markets

If a green roadside flag is flying, the farm stand is open!

Flocks of heritage hens, pastured farm animals, permaculture gardens, and wild harvesting are all common here.

Farmers markets generally run from May to October. A popular local attraction steeped in the unique island vibe is the Saturday Farmers Market. Local food is also available at the Mid-Week Market and Silva Bay Market.

Dynamite Dyes


Clothing Shopping Gifts Arts & Culture Artist Yellow Flag


Hello friends! Our new tie-dye shop hours for fall/winter 2024/25 are Saturday's 11-5. We are available for appointments almost any other day of the week, so please contact us if you'd like to visit outside of our open hours. 

 We are Gabriola's #1 gift shop!!

Our Dynamite Dyes studio is located on Gabriola Island, near Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Here, on the ‘Isle of the Arts,’ tie-dye is just one of the many pieces of our dynamic culture. All of our tie dyes are made in small batches by hand. We are passionate about crafting inspiring, imaginative tie-dye fashion and tapestries for the whole family. We also specialize in retail, group/team orders and custom projects. So please stop by and check out our tie dyes…


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